Albert AI

Albert AI Your AI Assistant for Slack

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is simple - please read the following section carefully so you know how and why we use your data.

We deeply value online privacy and promise to use sensitive information only when needed and with explicit user consent.


This website uses Google Analytics to gain insights into user behavior. If you dislike being part of such (randomized & anonymous) analysis, please install an ad-blocker or refrain from visiting our website.

Personal Data

Albert AI values privacy and does not collect any personally identifyable information.
Data we currently store is limited to your workspace's name as well as the OpenAI API key you provide during configuration. Should you wish to delete any and all of the data we store, simply remove the app from your Slack workspace.

App for Slack

Our app uses a set of permissions which are visible at the time of installation and can not be changed afterwards. These are the minimum permissions required by Slack.

Required Permissions

channels:history - Gives our app the ability to read messages from the channel. This is necessary when informing moderators about the content of a message before deleting it.

chat:write - Required when sending a message to channel moderators & members who got their messages removed.

commands - Required to invoke the app's various commands.

groups:history - Gives our app the ability to read messages in private channels (groups).

Data Deletion Request

Should you wish to have your data deleted please uninstall the app from your Slack workspace. As soon as we are notified of the removal, all data is permanently deleted.

All data is automatically deleted when the app is uninstalled, and no message content is ever stored.


We may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please note, that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

We don't share any personally identifying information publicly or with third-parties, except when required to by law.


You can contact me any time at or DM on Twitter

This policy is effective as of January 1st 2024